Pa’u Workshop held Saturday, April 25 2015 at Kona Historical Society
Parade participants learned about the pa‘u tradition at a workshop held on April 25, 2015 at Kona Historical Society. Kumu taught students the art of wrapping the pa‘u, as well as lei making, equestrian skills, parade protocol and more. A special mahalo to Sheraton Kona Resort & Spa for providing lunch. Mark your calendar for this year’s parade, on Saturday, June 13, 2015 in Historic Kailua Village. Info:
The old way of pa‘u involved calico fabric fastened with rope
Senoe Sakata practices wrapping of the pa‘u
Barbara Nobriga demonstrates parade protocol at Pa‘u Workshop 2015, Kona Historical Society
Lilinoe helps to drape pa‘u at workshop held April 25, 2015
Pa’u Workshop at Kona Historical Society, 2015
Barbara Nobriga and Deedee Bertleman demonstrate the wrapping of the fabric.